Sai Baba Satsang - "My life is my message", Divine Experience sharing by Nash

My life is my message - experience sharing by Nash @ Sai Baba Satsang 

Humble pranams at the lotus feet of Sai Baba. 

Listen to Nash Narasimhan Tupil at the Sai Satsang on 2nd May 2021, covering the following topics under 90 minutes.

1. On his ancestor and great Vaishnava Guru Tupil Vedanta Desikan, who was honored by Govt of India with a postage stamp in 2018 on his 750th birthday. And the Gurus contribution to India as master teacher of spirituality, science, maths, poetry to  military strategy.

2. On Sai Baba's grace and miracles in his life. How he changed from a sceptic to a believer.

3. What is the secret recipe to stay always positive and enthusiastic, which he learnt from his grandmother Hema.

4.  On what Narayana Seva, the service to the poor and needy on the streets, in the form of God, taught him.

5. Getting out of the comfort zone and doing the 10-day Himalayan Bike adventure.

6. And tips to overcome personal and professional challenges in life 

Click here to listen


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