Lord Shiva - UBER COOL GOD

21st February 2020

Lord Shiva. Out of all Gods in the Hindu pantheon, I must say he is the UBER COOL GOD. Why?

. He is chilled out and casual and confident all at the same time. He does not seem to care much about his looks or his surroundings. 

Despite his matted hair, dark skin, snakes, tiger skin snd nomad like appearance people love him.

. According to Hindu tradition he is the God who can bring mend all contradictions ☺ Wish we can be like him too..

. No protocols to worship him. He is easily pleased even with an offering of water and bilva leaf. But he gives boons as big as the ability to save oneself from any curse.

. No one knows where he is from, who are his parents, which city etc. Many say he is a Tibetan from mount kailash. But his family is well known. Wife Parvati Shakti, sons Ganesh the cute elephant headed God and Lord Kartikeya (or Murugan in south)

. He is the ADI YOGI..the first YOGI of this world. He is the greatest YOGI who can be Absolutely STILL but also the greatest dancer, Nataraja.

He is considered the destroyer but also the life giver. 

He is considered an ascetic but also a family man. 

He is innocent like a child but considered the teacher of teachers. 

He is OMKARA the fountain of knowledge but always on a HIGH smoking the CHILLUM. 

He is Agni roopa but his abode is the icy himalayas.

The only GOD who both Devas and Asuras worship. Who men and animals worship. 

He gave the Chakra, the destructive weapon to Lord Krishna. From Rama to Ravana, From Krishna to Kamadeva every one has been blessed by the Maha Deva. Even he took form of Sarbeshwara to reduce the rage of Lord Narasimha 

He drank the poison and held it in his neck, to save all living beings, earning the nick name neela kanta (blue necked one)

.He treats his wife Parvathi with great love and respect, and made her inseparable part of him by being an ardha nar eshwara

. He has great love and compassion for all animals. He protects them from disease (even perhaps corona virus) death and destruction. Hence he is known as Pasupathinath (Nepals chief temple)

. Shiva is the world teacher, ultimate Guru. He is a Yogi. He is a good musician, dancer and singer. He is Omkar the source of all Om and Vedas. 

And yet he remains simple and ready to serve his devotees who call out for his help.

OM NAMA SHIVAYA we seek your blessings on this day for world's prosperity.

Har Har Mahadev.

Nash Narasimhan Tupil


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