Lord Krishna - A Friend, Philosopher and Guide

Lord Krishna - A Friend, Philosopher and Guide

Let us all celebrate the birthday of Lord Krishna, on 3228 BC on the same day, more than 5000 years ago. Happy Janmashtami. 

What makes Krishna one of the most popular Hindu Gods? 

You can relate to him at every age and stage of your life.

As a young child who Stole butter, a cow herd who protected his friends,  a yadav king who took care of his subjects, an astute strategist in battle field, a lover to gopikas, ideal son, husband, brother and role model friend in need and lastly as the greatest philosopher-Teacher and God incarnate who gave us srimad bhagavad gita the holy book for millions of Hindus around the world.

Jai shri Krishna. Govind jai jai. Gopala Jai Jai.


The Most famous Lord Krishna temples in India

Banke Bihari, Vrindavan, UP
Jugal Kishore, Mathura, UP
Sri Nathji, Nathwara, Rajastan
Puri Jagannath, Orrisa
Dwaraka nath, Gujarat
Rajagopalaswami, Mannargudi, TN
Guruvayoor Krishna, Kerala
Mathura, Vrindavan, UP
Udipi Krishna, Karnataka 

Have I missed any other famous Krishna temple?

I have been to Udipi, Dwaraka, Guruvayoor, Mannargudi, Nathwara. Yet to see others.

How many have you visited?

Jai Shree Krishna

Bless this world with peace and happiness.


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