
Showing posts from October, 2024

Honouring our Ancestors, our duty

  Many cultures around the world honour their ancestors with festivals. Hungry ghost (China), Obon (Japan), Chiseok (Korea), Día de Los Muertos (Mexico), All Saints or All soul's day (Europe), Samhain (Ireland & Scotland) etc. Even Halloween was originally meant to be a festival to appease the spirits of your ancestors with its origins from the Irish Samhain festival. In India, today 2nd October, is Pitru Paksha Mahalaya Amavasya, the holiest day for honouring the ancestors without whom we would not be there in this world. I Did some Hindu rites in the morning remembering and symbolically feeding 3 generations of ansectors both men and women, both on my father's and mother's side. It made me wonder, how all of them directly contributed to making me who i am with thier genes inside me. Imagine the struggles, our ancestors might have gone through to bring us up. Wow. Thank you all. 1. Tupil Vedanta Desikar   I trace my paternal lineage to Tupil Vedanta Desikar - a poet sa